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NOTE: This message board has stopped working and I can't fix it. Sorry - no new messages can be added. This page is still worth reading though!
From: nobesuthu in pretoria. A 19 year old female.i hve a problem wth ma skin i hve acne on my face,chesr,back n i was epirderm cream since 2010 nd now jan2012 i started hvng e crius ones and leave ma skin reddish nd pple thnk dat m an old woman while m yung it rilly hurts me so i nid ur help wat cream should i use
well hi !ok so iv had acne for well lets say 2 yrs now and at first my dr told me that i had inbertigo sos if iv spelt it rong !anyways they put me on antibiotics that helped a little as my face was swollen really bad but this all started when i went to camp wild /escot .my skin was real clear until then .so then i used loads of different products such as :neutrogenna face scrub ,t trea oil face scrub ,oilatem and aveano this all worked for about a month at least but it wasnever comleately gone .:( so early on this yr 2012 my mum and me decided it would be good to go to a dr but a dermotoligest they put me on a tablet for got wats it called !anyways that helped but i was not old enough to be on it as they told me a while after getting my system used to it .so they put me on a syrup called eurithmocen sos if spellt rong !and a gel called :defferin it dried out ur skin loads at first but then u get used to i told my docter i wansnt happy it being dry and flakey so she said we cant have an oily product and some had been on it for years so she said try (neutrogena oil free moisteriser )it hydraits ,smoothes ,and evens out the skin tone i use for school and if its flared up and red this has helped but not compleatly i have no scars yet but i need it gone i have just started secondary and people ask "why have u got lots of spots on ur face " i say to hide it "its exma" but one person know s its not and now is on to me about it !so if u have got any cures that will suit my age greoup plz reply through email ! at the top many thx alishia x x
Please excuse me, as this is not spam or advertising, I am casting a commercial for ProActiv. I was thinking of different ways I could reach out, and I stumbled upon your discussion board.
ProActiv Users Wanted for Ad Campaign.
No acting required!
We are looking for men & women who are real ProActive users. Here is a chance to be featured in an upcoming ProActiv project. Tell us how ProActive has changed your life. We are looking for outgoing, enthusiastic, likeable, relatable, articulate and friendly real pro-active users for an ad campaign.
We are doing a nationwide search to find enthusiastic and outgoing happy customers. If this is you, or someone you know, we want to hear from you please! Feel free to forward this information to those who may be interested...
In addition to the session fee for the shoot, All travel expenses to Los Angeles will be covered. Plus FREE PRODUCT!!! How awesome is that?
We are accepting video submissions from all over the country.
For more information, and to submit, please send us the following to 4gabriellescharycasting@gmail.com:
1. Your name
2. Your contact information (phone and email)
3. Age
4. Your hometown/ where you are located
5. Your job
5. How long you have been using proactiv
6. Before Proactiv photo / After Proactiv photo.
We will send you video submission information after we receive your submission. Submissions are due by: Tuesday 6/5/12 5pm PST (or asap! If you need more time, please let us know
Casting Director: Gabrielle Schary
Casting Associate: Kellyanne O'Callaghan
Interview Dates: by submission please.
Shoot/Start Date: TBD. Next 6-12 months. In Los Angeles
Pay Rate: $425 per shoot day. Plus see travel and product incentives. If selected to appear in the commercial, you get paid, you will receive free product and a free trip to Los Angeles.
Kellyanne O'Callaghan
Casting Associate
Gabrielle Schary Casting
O: 310-450-0835
I was 12 years old when I got Acne. It ruined my selfimage. I'm still shy to talk with people and its hard to communicate. The Acne in my face makes it look black,red and plastic flesh. I'm using sunlight soap and its not working. I'm realy heartbroke when I see somebody elses face don't have acne and I'am also tired of using different products.
I was 12 years old when I got Acne. It ruined my selfimage. I'm still shy to talk with people and its hard to communicate. The Acne in my face makes it look black,red and plastic flesh. I'm using sunlight soap and its not working. I'm realy heartbroke when I see somebody elses face don't have acne and I'am also tired of using different products.
I was 12 years old when I got Acne. It ruined my selfimage. I'm still shy to talk with people and its hard to communicate. The Acne in my face makes it look black,red and plastic flesh. I'm using sunlight soap and its not working. I'm realy heartbroke when I see somebody elses face don't have acne and I'am also tired of using different products.
I've been taking Oratane for 12 days now (30mg a day). But im getting so frustrated. Everything feels dry, especially my lips. And my skin looks worse! Is that supposed to happen? Also, i love swimming.. Will the chemicals in our pool affect the effectiveness of Oratane?
I did not have really severe acne, but it was moderate enough to be termed acne. Say 1 or 2 new blemishes a day at the least. So through trial and error of MANY different creams, cleansers, and the like, I finally found my cure for acne. I seriously don't have acne anymore. All I do is take 3 key vitamins. 60 mg of Zinc Monomethionine. 5000 IU of Vitamin D3. 25,000 IU of Beta Carotene. That's all. I only use a daily scrub that does not overly dry my face. I take a nice warm steamy shower to open my pores and rid the toxins built up over the day. No moisturizer at all. Just tone with Apple Cider Vinegar.
And no more acne :)
Hi All,
I suffered from severe cystic acne from the age of 14 to about 22. Doxycycline worked quite well for a while but then my acne flared up again. I finally went on Accutane and after 3 months my acne cleared up and never came back. I would say it saved my life. I had scars afterwards, but a couple of rounds of Fraxel laser treatment (in the hands of a very experienced dermatologist) took care of those. Good luck to you all. I know what you are going through and my heart goes out to you. Peace.
Sorry for my english
Im Mike, 44 years old, and I had that problem to, but now im free from Acne, I found a blog that really help me with no prescription medications, wth a 100% natural program.
This is the site
I had to do it more than 3 days because I was suffering from Rosacea. Hope this can help many of you.
Hi everyone. Try not eating milk products for a week or two and see if that will help u. I works for me I don't get those huge pimples any more. 75% or more milk comes from pregnant cows, so when the cow is pregnant her hormones go crazy. Cows crazy hormones + your crazy hormones = crazy acne
I know that we all need calcium so try soy, almond, or rice milk. I personaly like soy milk. Or u can take a supplyment.
I have a problem with acne on my checks,every time someone ask me to go out i always tel them a lie because i really low easteem i even cry alot went i look in the mirrow and im always in front of the mirrow plz help me,plz.
pantothenic acid and plenty of water will greatly help your skin.you have to take a slightly higher dose than recommended at first then use your own discretion how much you need.never done me any harm.
The girl that said SWIM IN THE OCEAN,salt water,, it is sooooo true,, i had acne for 3 years now, huge pimples, and when i go away to Cuba, Mexico, DR,my face clears up in 3 days, but when i come home it starts again after about 2 - 3 weeks, so if you live near the ocean , lucky you, go swim everyday, i would if i lived near the ocean! Now i will try washing my face with sea salt at home and see if it works !!!
I've struggled with acne for as long as I can remember. I've had all different kinds. The whiteheads, the blackheads, the painful red ones and probably any form of acne you can think of. I've tried many different things to get rid of it. I had prescriptions from the the doctor that didn't work, over the counter medicines, and even home remedies that included nutmeg, milk, lemon juice, and other strange ingredients that you would never think to put on your face. Most of the things I tried didnt work at all, and some only lasted for a very short amount of time. But I am happy to say that I recently got rid of my acne. While I was tryin to lose weight, I started drinking ALOT of water. It helped me lose 8 pounds in a month and helped to drastically change my face. My face cleared up fast and my skin isn't too dry or too oily like it used to be. Drinking water is not only a good natural way to clear up your skin, but its good for you and your entire body overall. It doesnt cost and there are no negative reactions because its natural. I advise that people try it for at least a month before buying these expensive medicines that claim to work. I drink from 4 to 8 glasses a day and it has made a huge difference in my skin and health overall.
hey everyone, im sorry to hear about all ur acne problems i know how u feel. my dermatologist about a 2 weeks ago told me i had mild/moderate acne, which really freaked me out that i had acne cause it was the one thing i feared my whole life. i started to get lots of pimples when i basically turned 16 about six months ago. i can assure u now-i hate being 16! he prescribed me with the minmycin tablets and these two creams, and im also on the pill. i have to see him in another four months so fingers cross-i hope im all clear. although i have an even worse problem than this------im scared all over my face. they are pigmentation scars because i have dark olive skin as i come from an italian background. so on my cheeks forehead, and chin i have many spots-spots that seem to be taking ages and ages to go away. can anyone help me with this? like do u guys know of any products to go on that will get rid of these scars forever? im using roseoil but im not sure if thats working or meant to work on acne scars. plz i need ur help, im just sick and tired of putting on foundation every single day of my life, i feel like im painting my face everyday. thanku, i just dont wanna look in the mirror and cry anymore.
People I realie need help right now.I never had that much acne not until I reach the age of 15.My face is a mess and worst of all,I have a low self-esteem.I have tried differnt products and I was going to buy acne complex but didnt since everyone says that it doesnt work.I wish there was some way I can get rid of acne for sure.Can anyone pls help me??? Wat is the best recommanded product that works for sure??Some day and night I will have wonderful dreams that my face was clear but sadly it was just a dream.Don't u ever wish that sometimes u can stand in dreams forever or
My name is Anna. I have visited this board regularly for a couple of years. The girl that posted below about the vitamin inspired me to at least try the vitamin she spoke of. I have battled moderate acne for awhile now and I have tried a lot of things. Some things work, but then my skin seems to get immune to whatever remedy and stops working. At the least, I was skeptical.
I've been taking the vitamin for about 3 months now. You have to take more than one vitamin a day, but it's not that bad. My skin remained the same for a couple of weeks, but after that, I saw slow progress. I now have only 2 pimples and they are relatively small. I also have been using Aveeno face wash (the one with salycic acid)as I was using before. My skin is looking better than it has in a long time. It's not perfect, but it's good enough for me. And I figure since this is a vitamin, I'm nourishing my body. Hopefully it will remain the same or get better. Just thought I would share.
I did some research on why the pill could work for people when it comes to acne. The Greatest Vitamin in the World (the vitamin she's speaking of) apparently contains the most researched and stabilized form of friendly bacteria available. I have a close friend who is a dermatoligist and he says that it's kind of like drinking massive amounts of cranberry juice. The probiotics (aka: friendly bacteria) in cranberry juice can do wonders for acne prone skin, but you have to drink a lot of it. So taking it in a pill form may be easier (esp. if you don't like cranberry juice) and it gives you a higher dosage of the probiotics (friendly bacterias) that you need. I read in an article on the natren website about the use of probiotics against acne: " One of the first scientifically validated studies using probiotics to treat acne came by chance from a doctor working outside the field of acne treatment. In 1964, Dr. R. H. Siver was studying the use of beneficial bacteria to treat gastric and intestinal disorders. But in addition to easing such problems, Dr. Siver noted that bad facial skin problems cleared up in 80% percent of his acne patients. This finding was especially true in boys and girls under 18. Where necessary, the course of treatment was repeated again. In most cases, the skin improved within the first two weeks of beneficial bacteria supplementation. "
And there are a lot of other benefical uses for probiotics. And plus, it's natural - so it's safe. And it's safe at any dosage level too. And the thing about this vitamin is that it has whole nutrients (not synthetic). So almost 100% of the nutrients are absorbed into your body whereas in most vitamins you buy, only a small percentage in absorbed.
This vitamin was also awarded the Gold Seal for using only the highest grade and most absorbable nutrients known. The Vitamin is even endorsed by the NBCCA, the company that owns most of the teams in the NBA.
I tried everything for my acne: Proactive, prescription drugs, over the counter meds (at least it seems like everything)! I was so frustrated and my self-esteem was at an all time low because I thought I'd never get rid of those annoying little spots. And I'm 22, so I thought, "This is it - this is how I'm gonna be." It seems so stupid that my appearance depressed me so much, but that's how I felt.
Well, as you've probably noticed, I've been using past tense. And that's because my mom called me one day and said, "you should try this stuff that my friend said worked for her son." I was like, " whatever, this stuff isn't gonna work, nothing's gonna work!" Then she went on to tell me the "stuff" she was referring to was vitamins! I thought she was kidding! I was almost mad at her for suggesting something so ridiculous.
My mom bought me the vitamins. So I thought, "Well, I"m not wasting my money - I have nothing to loose. So I tried them. And I'll be honest, my pimples did not vanish overnight. But they faded away fewer and fewer. I don't have any right now. I think it's amazing. I started my best friend on them, and it's starting to work for her too.
My skin is world's better and I'm a lot happier too. I'm not a vain person, but now I actually feel pretty. I've also noticed that since I started taking the vitamins, I have more energy during the day and I go to sleep easier at night. I don't know, maybe it's because my body is more nourished. All I know is that it worked for me, it's working for my best friend, and it could work for other people out there. That's why I'm spending the time to talk about this. Because I know how it feels to be plagued with acne. How you dream of a zit-free day. The majority of my days are zit-free now. I'm not saying it's for everybody, because I don't know. But I think it's worth a try. If it doesn't work for the acne, at least your body will be nourished in the process. And I'm a college student, so it's affordable too! Which is a plus when you have tuition and books to pay for!
Okay, enough blabbing. I hope, if you decide to give it a go, it works for you. More info (just click on the acne button on the right)....
The Greatest Vitamin In The World!
Hey everyone, im ronya.. alright listin i just wanted you guys to know that ive never gotten acne in my life! not even one zit! UNTIL i turned 16!:( .. i got one in the middle of my forehead.. i was gona die! soo i picked at it .. and put soo many chemicals on it, like acne treatment.. a lil adives(alwasys stick to one acne material, dont use 3 to 4 diffrent types)..well i BURNED my FACE!!!!! soo afterwards the sideaffects were 1000 zits EVERYWERE!!!! ive never seen soo many more zits on anyone in my life! ive just turned from the person w/ the least zits in my class to THE MOST zits. people came up to me and said omg what happiend ur face used to be soo nice! or did u get into a car accident! i was gona die.. and my self confidence was soo loww. but THE CUREEEEEEEEE!!!!! okay every one listen DONT use anymore acne stuff to clear you face, go natural! 1st put fressing cold yougert on ur face to get rid of the redness or u can use cucumbers .. but the thing that got ride of all my pimples (mashallah ).. was ocean sea salt!.. like ocean water.. SO SWIM IN THE SEA!!!!thats all it dries up ur pimples then they goo away it takes less then 3 days! .. its amazing!!!.. just SWIM IN THE OCEAN!! or get sea water and soak your face in it 4 10 min 5 times a day! it works .. TAKE MY ADVISE IT WORKS!!! YOU WILL BE ACNE FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Okay, so I had the clearest, smoothest skin until I got out of high school. With stress and not eating healthy, my face made a dramatic change for the worse. I was so self conscience of my acne and piling the make up on just made it worse. I have tried just about everything there is out there to try. Nothing worked, it just seemed to make it worse. Then came along Pro-Active. Now before you go out and buy it, that didn't work either. Even though I used it exactly as directed, my face broke out more and it made it really greasy. I was so disappointed since that seemed to be the new miracle solution. Then a girl friend of mine suggested I wash with Ivory bar soap, smoth Witch Hazel on with a cotton round afterward, and then just use a moisturizer that I liked. {which happens to be whichever one I feel like putting on in the morning, can you believe that?} I am very happy to say, I don't have a one pimple on my face, NOT ONE!! And ladies, I am Pmsing this week, that's unheard of not to get a pimple the week before. So before you go broke on acne treatments, special creams, and cover ups, go spend $5 and try Ivory bar soap and Witch Hazel. It's less harsh than the treatments loaded with chemicals and guess what! When you smooth on that Witch Hazel, you will never find a trace of make up left behind!!!
I've been using noritate and benzoil peroxide cleanser buts it seems to stay the same, I've had about one week in this acne experience when it looked clear and started to dry, i need helpful things to do help it when I'm not taking medicine, e-mail me soon.. I need help..lol
Hi everyone,
If you have an allergy to plants, trees, etc, do not use the Zenmed products for acne. Unfortunately, I have tried them and I now look worse than ever. They do not have a warning sign on any of their advertising and eventhough they say their herbal medicine does not have any side effects, to people with allergies there are side effects. Take caution please.
Good luck to all of you.
Hi, i'm a 19 year old female from Michigan dealing with acne since 8th grade or maybe 7th...anyway...I've tried to deal with it my self, because I didnt think it was as serious as it was. I've tried every face wash they make out these days and skin discoloration creams and junk. I can say, something worked out of what I was trying. Could've been the birth control pills (ortho tri-cyclen lo), but my face has managed to clear up some. I had acne all over my face especially scars. I'm African American, so it made it more noticible. Now I just have acne on my cheeks. Still embarrasing. I'm looking for a dermatologist, but I'm not sure what to look for in one. I look back at all my old pictures and i'm like "wow, my face was/is this ugly". I've even had people ask me, "what's that one your face? Why is your face like that?" I'd just answer "It's just a lil acne, it'll go away soon" or either "everyone gets acne." I'm still depressed about my skin, but I've tried to gain some confidence, because I hate when people see me down. Anyway...enuff of me rambling. What should I look for in a dermatologist? Thanx!
hi everyone, im on my second day on roaccutane(iupiii) im just waiting for the side effects, sounds silly, but jst then ill belive these is working.
and if everyone want to email me to tell me experiences its always welcome, i wud like 2 know if anyone have before and after pictures.
beijos xxxxx
Hi. To everyone who has to deal with having acne, I am truly sorry. I know that when I was in highschool, I was embaressed by it every day. I had used almost every perscription thing that there is out there and it would work for a while and then it would come back! A family member (my sister)told me about a company called Arbonne. They make all natural skin care products. I thought no way an "all natural" product would work if all of the stron perscriptions didnt. But finally I had no other choice but to try it. The first 2-3 weeks I didnt see much improvement, but then a wonderful thing started to happen, It started clearing up! The wonderful thing is, it just kept getting better. I used it for about a year and now I am able to use some of Arbonne's Other great skin care products. I an now a consultant for Arbonne and I am able to use my experience to help other people.Arbonne has been around for about 25 years and they are a great company who really cares about there clients. Please e-mail me if you want more information or check out there website at www. arbonne.com
i have a question,
becose i reading the peoples than use the acuttane and really than scared me, becose iam use the oratane, it´s my first week and i have the problem, my acne is worse but not is much, now someone can tellme how time i have waiting for my face it´s cleaning
i´m sorry but my english not is good, so thanks for answer.
i have a question,
becose i reading the peoples than use the acuttane and really than scared me, becose iam use the oratane, it´s my first week and i have the problem, my acne is worse but not is much, now someone can tellme how time i have waiting for my face it´s cleaning
i´m sorry but my english not is good, so thanks for answer.
Hello everyone,
Just strated my first dose of Accutane today. I am on 40mg twice a day. What are some of the effects I should be noticing this first week or so? The only thing I am really, really worried about is how bad do you breakout? I have very, very mild acne and I'm very worried about breaking out something terrible. My acne is only on my chin area, but I tend to get the larger pimples (cyst like). How long will the breakout last before my skin will start to clear? Please email me with any help at jodi.murphy@wmich.edu.
Thanks so much!
Having read the other comments, it would seem that I am by far the oldest sufferer here at 39. I have had bad acne from age 12, as my father did before me. Various visits to the doctor ended in me being prescribed Minocin, which usually worked well until my stress levels rose, at which point my face turned into zit city.
I was finaly referred to a dermatologist last month and started on a course of Roaccutane 10 days ago. The first day my mouth, eyes and lips were bone dry, but now the only area dry is lips. My problem is not dryness, depression, aching joints or any other side effect that I've heard of - my problem is the acne. It is much much much worse than it has ever been before in my entire life. I am covered in huge red blotches which are all extremely painful and more appear daily. This has all happened over the last three days as for the first week of taking Roaccutane I was completely spot-free and looking forward to the future. Now I don't know what to think or do.
My daughter's Christmas play at school is tonight and I am pretty sure I'll make up some excuse to avoid going as I do not want to be seen like this. She will be sad and so will I but acne has sapped my confidence for 25 years and can still wield quite a punch.
Has anyone had this problem with bad acne at the start of treatment? Will it go away soon or have I got to put up with zits for another three months? Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Now on 60mg of roaccutane and the skin is clearing up!!! has anyone had laser treatment for the scaring??? I've only slight scaring but I want the perfet skin I used to have again. E-mail me please!
Hi everyone! i've just finished a 6 month course of roaccutane at a very high dose. i had heard tremendous stories of amazing results but so far i have had not much success. i have very bad acne and i've been given an appointment to see professor Cunliffe the guy who created Roaccutane and i really hope he has an answer for the problem i'm in. if Roaccutane hasn't worked what can i turn to?
Hey everyone! I heard birthcontrol can clear up bad acne.... is that true?? So if anyone has any information about it or actually uses birthcontrol for that reason, can you please respond back to me! I wanna know the facts, before i go to my doctor. Thank you soo much for your help! :)
Is Oratane the same as Accutane/Roaccutane.
Hi everyone! I recently discovered this website while looking for info on roaccutane. This is the first time I've actually submitteed a message but I just want to say this is a great site. Prior to reading these messages, I always thought I was the only one in the world to be cursed with problem skin. I know at times, people regard me as being silly when I say I can't go out and see people because I know they will be looking and concentrating on my bad skin then anything else. I get so depressed about the state of my skin. I can't leave the house and don't want to see my friends. Some people may think that it's silly to concentrate so much on your appearance but in a superficial society like ours, it's just the way things are and you have to actually experience it to know how I feel. Anyway, sorry for blabbing on but I have suffered from acne for 5 -6 years now and I HAVE to do something about it. I am currently on minomycin but it seems to have gotten worse and worse.My has increased and they're larger and more gross than before. My nails are even turning a shade of grey! I was just wondering if anyone knows if these symptoms are related to the drug and whether it is serious. I am meeting with my 3rd dermatoloigist in 2 weeks and i hope she will put me on roaccutane. I'm aware that it clears up the skin but I was wondering whether or not it effects the dark scars at all. Does it reduce them at all? At least make them less noticeable? I'm setting aside 3 months for the drug and planning to be a hermit till the end of it. I know it sounds sad but I've been through too much and this has to be resolved. I am willing to give up 3 months of partying and socialising for better skin.
If u guys can answer any of my questions, it will be greatly appreciated.
Sorry for blabbing on for so long.
There is some good points on this website, especially from that aussie guy. Your mental state is absolutely just as important as taking the tablets.
Personally, I am just starting my second course of Roaccutane for what is really just slight redness and persistant unsightly whiteheads. My job is a pretty social one and I was getting unnerved by thoughts that people were remembering me more for my bad complexion then as a personality.
Starting on the tablets even at a low dose brings the usual changes to your skin, dryness, flaking etc. Being a 23 year old male, when at work and when playing competitive sport with a rowdy team makes using moisturisers etc pretty difficult, but I try not to think about it too much, use the male grooming stuff and take the mickey back out of your fat mate, mate who cannot pull etc, just try to be a laugh to be with.
Your spots will go with time, I try and do something that scares me at least once a day, including just introducing myself to someone, honestly until you try....
further information a bout raccutane
Hey guys. I was just wondering if any of you were put on the stieva-A cream and minomycin tablets ? I have been taking them for about 3 fays now, and the Stieve-A cream is good. Have you guys had any experiences withthis ? And has it worked ?
Thanks. Trent
This morning one of my collegues was complaining about spots. She told me that her skin depressed her so much that she would rather not go out tonight, she told me how lucky I was to have such clear skin...this is when I told her about Roaccutane.
I was put onto Roaccutane at the age of 16. I was doing a bit of modelling but my skin was proving real problem as there was only so much make up they could get on my face. I had spots across my forehead, nose. chin and cheekbones, on my back and chest (no low cut tops for me)and even on my scalp and around my ears. It was SO depressing, made even worst by being surrounded by these beautiful people...I seemed to be the only one in the world with the problem and it seemed so unfair.
My doctor prescibed a number of treatments including all kinds of antibiotics and topical medicines...every time I left the chemist with my little prescription bag with a new remedy in I was filled with hope but nothing worked, no effect at all, not even a smidgin. After about a year of this I was really down. Luckily I was covered by my fathers private health care so managed to jump the queue and attended St Thomas' dermatology clinic. I waas prescribed Retin A at first which had a bit of an effect but not that much and tended to clog up around my ears and in my hair line. It caused dryness and, having darker skin, the dryness resulted in blotchiness on the areas where I'd applied the cream. I was then moved on to RoAccutane and it made such a huge difference it was untrue. I was warned about the dryness and was advised to buy huge tubs of plain aqueous cream and use it as a soap when in the shower for my face and body and then also as a moisturiser...this really worked and, along with a bit of vaseline on my lips, I managed to keen the dryness at bay. The silly thing was that I was so depressed about the spots that I wanted to feel the dryness and mayby one or two side effects so I could feel the drug was working...which is twisted!!! Anyway, I stayed on the drug for 6 months and within 3 my spots were gone...it was amazing...I was advised to carry on with the treatment to ensure that they didn't come back so I did, even though I might have missed a pill here or there...but the results have been fantastic.
I am lucky that I experienced no side effects and even managed to deal with the dryness. The results have lasted up until now...it was never again necessary for me to worry about my skin. I occasionally get the odd spot or two but the amazing thing about the Roaccutane is that my face was a scarred blotchy mess but now people would never guess that I was an acne sufferer. I recommended the drug to a male friend of mine afterwards when we were about 18 who suffered very very badly of acne and he will go as far as saying that it "changed his life for the better".
Hello, I have posted a message on June (aprox.) and now I'd like to tell you the current treatment I'm achieving.
I remember you all I'm from Córdoba, ARGENTINA, and I am 19 years old.
I have policystic ovaries and I have been taking Diane 35 since June, 17 th.
For scars I'm applying on my face once or twice a day aloe vera sap and gel for a plant I have in my garden. A leaf lasts a week, and I have realised it's good for clearing acne scars. I can see that after shower part of the outer layer of my skin is removed. I think that's why clearing of scars gets faster.
In order to prevent pimples locally, I apply Differin gel at night since October 18th.
I only wash my face with a neutral glicerine soap without fragrances since Nov 2nd.
I still have some pimples and scars.
I hope your comments or questions, and if you can reccomend me another site about acne.
GUYS, GUYS, GUYS. For all of you beautiful people who constantly worry about your skin, let me start by saying I know how you feel. I know exactly in no uncertain terms how your mind plays tricks with you. Guys it took me so long to finally see it, but I know the root of the problem, if you have been worrying about it for so long. GUYS - the problem will NOT go away, physically or emotionally, until it ceases to become the focus of your life!! Nothing could be more true!! Take the focus off yourself and put it on someone else. Do some volunteer work, get a job, help people, stop using life for you're own personal gain and you'll start to notice the difference, in your attitude AND your skin. If you continue with your current attitude you will contninue to wake up and everyday will still be the same. If you dont quite follow, then go to the video store today and rent the movie Groundhog Day and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.
If you continue to obsess about your "problem," you'll no longer be able to see yourself or the improvement accurately. You will lose sight of reality. Just ask Michael Jackson.
Stop being rude to your parents, trust your dermatoligist, play some sport, look in the mirror once a day ONLY and just get over yourself.
These might seem harsh words but trust me I know how you all feel, I promise. I know whats its like be totally disheartened and depressed and think nothing's going to work.
And for those people wondering about taking roaccutane - go for it and stick with it, it works. The more serious side effects are extremely rare. You have more chance of being hit by a bus than experiencing some of these! You have nothing to lose! Follow the advice of your professionals. NOW STOP READING THIS BOARD AND STOP OBSESSING ABOUT YOUR SKIN!!
So long guys and girls and best of luck to everyone. Love you all. GW
Hello my fellow suffers, I am currently working on my 4th month of accutane. I am having a slow reaction to the treatment and am just starting to clear up. But I have faith in my Doctors judgements. I recommend anyone who suffers from acne to treat it asap. It is physical and mental torture that can be avoided. Although accutane is expensive ($10 a pill taken daily) it is worth it. There are even some insurances that cover it. Some of the side effects I have been experiencing are dry, peeling and cracked lips, my feet just began peeling but over all my skin is fine, i've no acne on my back, thirsty a lot more and an extremely dry face. It seems half the battle with my acne is the expellment of whiteheads that have been there forever. The cystic acne is almost non-exsistent but when a white head is being cured it turns into a monster. These are the worse. I know that my family is unaware of my progress but I know exactely where every little zit is and enjoy daily no longer having a bumpy chin. So that is me so far. I would love to share pictures of hear e-mails from anyone wishing to experience accutane. Just put accutane in the subject box so I know.
Hello my fellow suffers, I am currently working on my 4th month of accutane. I am having a slow reaction to the treatment and am abrely starting to clear up. But I have faith in my Doctors judgements. I recommend anyone who suffers from acne to treat it asap. It is physical and mental torture that can be avoided. Although accutane is expensive ($10 a pill taken daily) it is worth it. There are even some insurances that cover it. Some of the side effects I have been experiencing are dry, peeling and cracked lips, my feet just began peeling but over all my skin is fine, i've no acne on my back, thirsty a lot more and an extremely dry face. It seems half the battle with my acne is the expellment of whiteheads that have been there forever. The cystic acne is almost non-exsistent but when a white head is being cured it turns into a monster. These are the worse. I know that my family is unaware of my progress but I know exactely where every little zit is and enjoy daily no longer having a bumpy chin. So that is me so far. I would love to share pictures of hear e-mails from anyone wishing to experience accutane. Just put accutane in the subject box so I know.
Some well known people who have suffered from acne/acne scars:
Joshua Jackson (Dawson's Creek)
Brad Pitt
Cameron Diaz
Kate Winslet
F. Murray Abraham
Bill Murray
Harvey Keitel
Ray Liotta
Nicolas Cage
Tommy Lee Jones
Edward James Olmos
James Woods Salvador
Dennis Farina
Robert Davi (Profiler)
Richard Belzer
Russell Crowe
Geoffrey Rush
Greg Germann (Ally McBeal)
Dennis Franz (NYPD Blue)
Laurence Fishburne
Dustin Hoffman
Katherine Ross
Jimmy Cagney
Burt Lancaster
Elizabeth Hurley
John C. Reilly
Jet Li
Robert Redford
Ricky Jay
Mike Myers
Danny Trejo
Rene Russo
David Warner
.....and musicians
Bryan Adams
Jerry Garcia (Grateful Dead)
Keith Richards (Rolling Stones
Janis Joplin
Melanie C. (Spice Girls)
Courtney Love
Elliot Smith
Jimi Hendrix
Ace Frehley (Kiss)
Lionel Richie
Michael Stipe (REM)
Michael Hutchence (INXS)
Shirley Bassey
Britney Spears
Vanessa Williams
Janis Ian
Li'l Kim
Ricky Martin
Whitney Houston
Roy Orbison
and others.......
Grant Hill (Basketball)
Mark Philippoussis (Tennis)
Hey everybody,
OK, sorry, i accidently hit post before i finished the message. let's try this again...I have had horrible acne since i was about 13, and yeah, i hated going outside and doing things with other people because of it. I had horrible self-esteem and started hating myself. I have tried EVERYTHING but nothing seemed to work. then about 4 months ago i finally begged my dermatologist to put me on accutane... speaking of which, why is it that so many people have trouble with their doctors really caring about their problems? I have that problem too with mine. anyway, i've been on accutane for about 4 months and it totally cleared up my skin. i only had mild side affects like dry lips, maybe because i'm only using 40mg a day. but it's worth it, i only get a couple zits now and then, nothing like what i used to. Hopefully my skin continues to stay clear, but i'd recommend anyone at least trying accutane. Just be sure to go in for the regular blood tests and everything. I never had a problem with hair loss or depression or anything. and it WORKS!! :)
Hey everybody,
I have had horrible acne since i was about 13, and yeah, i hated going outside and doing things with other people because of it. I had horrible self-esteem and started hating myself. I have tried EVERYTHING
Hi everyone, i have had acné since i was 14 and it was real bad. until i started takin roaccutane. i've been taking it for a month now and my face has really cleared up. i feel more self-confident now. but i also have dry skin and lips, but thats normal. if you use hydrating creme and special lipstic (the one you use if you go snowboarding) your face should be fine. im real happy i started with roaccutane, and i suggest other ppl with acné do too, you will see the difference after 3 weeks!!
Hello to all of you out there who have or had acne. I started to have acne problems in 8th grade. It truly sucks and lowers your self-esteem. I first when to my family doctor and when he realized he couldn't help he sent me to my derm. My derm. is the worst derm. in the world. I went to him for 3 years. Everytime i went, he never looked at my face. It got to a point where he took me off of ortho-tricylen and i was on amxyocline (sorry about my bad spelling) for about a year and half, then he started to try all of this other crap. Well finally in August of my junior year(last year) he decided that if i really wanted accutane, he would let me take it. He didn't want me to, but if i wanted to i could. Before i could go on it i had to be put back on the pill and in order for me to do that i had to have a pap smear, not fun when you are 16 and not sexual active. So in Jan. of 2001 I ended my treatment. When i got off i was so glad and felt much better. I couldnt wear my contacts, my face was dry, for the first 2 months i couldnt eat solid foods, and my lips were so bad. i think i started out on about 40-80 mg. a day. by nov. my mom's coworkers said that if they didn't know me, they would say i did drugs do to the redness and dryness in my eyes. Also i would wake up in the mornings, not being able to open my eyes, because they were crusted shut. So if you have the chance to go on Accutane, soon, please do so. It helps and it is worth all the side effects. Don't listen to what they say about suicide and the other horrible effects, they will only happen if you let yourself believe that it will happen to you. Good luck everyone
Hi everyone, I have been suffering of acne for about three years. It started in 6th grade, only on my forehead, then by mid-7th grade everything on my forehead was gone, i don't know how but it was. Then my face was clear for about a week then I started breaking out on my cheeks and up until now I have moderate acne on my cheeks, chin, and some part of my neck. I hate it, it lowers your self-esteem and when you go out you feel as if people stare at you because of your acne instead of your beauty. I'm probably the youngest one that has poset this message, but I wanted to tell all those people suffering for acne about Proactive. Many of you may have heard about it and maybe even tried it, but for the rest proactive is a great solution that is easy and it actually works! And the best thing, the cost is not high. It's affordable. I have just been using it for two weeks and i have noticed some drastic changes in my skin, the ugly dark brown spots are fading away, i still get some pimples, but with a refining mask that comes witht the kit you put on on at night and wake up at morning with nothing. I love it and i'm really believing in this product. When i saw the infomercial i thought oh, there's just nother product where all they want is the money and the product probably doesn't even work.But the best thing about this is that you have a 60 day money back guarantee you can return the bottles even if they're empty and they'll give you all the money you paid, back! Like they say acne will never be cured, but it can be prevented. I really think proactive works, it may not for you but hey it's worth the try. The adress for the website is also posted on here so please check it out and learn more about proactive.
God Bless You ALl
Que Dios Los Bendiga
Acne. I just dont know the words to tell you how i feel. Basically my GP is crap. He never takes me seriously, never refers me to a dermatologist. I mean, if i could get put on Roaccutane it would be a start. Instead he just listens to me, ums and ars, and gives me crap tablets and lotions we all know dont work.
Today i woke up looked in the mirror and burst into tears. I phoned work and told them i was sick. I have been so depressed all day. Even people i know really well stare at my cheeks when i talk with them. I can almost see my own spots by where they look at my face. Last week my sister took some photos of me and where i live so i could send them to my Greek boyfriend. I rang her to see if they had been developed yet, and she told me that thay had, but she had thrown the pictures of me away. She said my complexion was so bad i wouldnt want them. Have a guess what i did? I cried.
I hate this, i feel so weak. I look so awfull, and i feel it too. I always blame myself for this. I cant talk to anyone because i feel so embarressed.
I'm glad my boyfriend is far away in Greece. I miss him like mad, and we talk everyday - but he cant see my face, im so glad about that. We have planned for me to go back to Greece in January but i find myself not wanting to go purely because of my acne. How sad is that.
I've always had acne since 13 but it got worse at 18.
I had tried a number of dermatologists but as usual after a period of success the acne would return at times not as severe
Anyways I was finally put on Minocycline. FOR ANY OF YOU ON THIS DRUG ESPECIALLY FEMALES-----BEWARE OF FACIAL HAIR!!!! I was unaware of the fact that this drug could cause an increase in the growth of unwanted facial hair. I was under it for almost a year and my dermatologist never warned me
I have found noone else in my situation and it's starting to make me think I'm completely alone and I'll never rid of my acne problem, and it's definitely very depressing. I haven't worked for 6 months and I can't face seeing anyone. I started getting spots when I was 16 but foolishly didn't do anything about it until I was 18 or 19. I took 6 months worth of Minocin, and my spots cleared up but I still had problem areas on my cheeks. I started Roaccutane as soon as the damn long waiting list for dermatologists would allow me to do so. After the 4 month treatment I had cleared up around my forehead, my neck and jawline. The cheek areas are still as problematic as ever before. In fact as I speak I have spots on them that have been there for 2 weeks and they won't go down. I don't get new spots as often as I used to but I have scarring from the Accutane because noone told me that squeezing can cause this, and as any acne sufferer knows, squeezing is VERY tempting. Right now I have to wait 2 weeks for my appointment with my local GP just to refer me to the dermatologist again. I don't even know if I can go out the house to that appointment. I'll have to wait 2 months + for the dermatology appointment and even then I don't know what to expect. My dermatologist told me I would be clear and the advancements in medicine means I should never scar but here I am, scarred and not knowing what to do. She told me repeat treatments of Accutane are for relapses years ahead. I can't afford facial peels or Laser Resurfacing and I just don't know what to do, any advice is completely welcome cos I need any kind of help right now because I'm at rock bottom to put it bluntly and I want a life again. Thanks for reading this and I'm sorry, I know it's long.
Hi, I seem to be alot younger than most of the people who have posted messages here, however I have completed a course on roacutane already, one year ago I was finished. My skin was to say the least horrific in the early stages of 2000, when I was 15, and it got that way in less than a week! no joke, one week I had a fairly clear face and the next week I didn't. The Dermatologist I visited however said I had used up all my good luck and all my bad luck at the same time, this is because as I child I had suffered very very mild exema, which had long since faded. This caused my spots to be very small but very numerous, this meant that the aftermaths would leave no scars at all but when on roacutane my skin was overly dry. To solve this dryness I was given an extremely effective moistureiser called EPHEDERM which turned my cracking and bleeding lips into soft and smooth within two days, thats only one aplication a day! If you are thinking of using this ask your dermatologist first.
Also, I am extremely sporty and found that the muscle pains and cramps caused by the drug were not to bad for me but the sweating during sports such as running caused searing pain as my skin was very dry, I hope I have answered a few questions.
To cut to the chase, my dermatologist told me that I would be off the moistureisers permenently within a few weeks of the treatment ending, this is not the case and I am still using them to the day, although my skin is clear of spots and not dry in the slightest I find that every time I try to stop using them my skin seems to develope red scaley bloches, no bigger than a small coin, on my fourhead and cheeks, these go away as soon as I apply more moistureiser but seem to be persistent every time I try to come off the moisturiser.
Otherwise I am happy with the overly results and ould recommend to all needing it. But, If anyone can help diagnose what is wrong with my skin please help because all I get from my own doctor is telling me to use moistureiser, even though it has no permanent effect. This has been the case for over six months. Thank you for your time.